Resort Safety & Policies
Welch Village is committed to promoting user safety for our guests. Skiing and snowboarding are active and exciting sports with inherent risks that cannot be eliminated, including the risk of serious injury and death. Because of these risks, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to be aware of your surroundings, the conditions, and your ability. The information contained below is designed to help you, our valued guests, to enjoy skiing and snowboarding at Welch Village in a safe and responsible manner. Learning and practicing what is contained here, using common sense, and making good decisions will contribute to your safety and the safety of all guests.
Observe the code listed below and share with other skiers & riders the responsibility for a great experience.

Helmets: Welch Village highly recommends wearing a helmet for skiing and snowboarding. The use of helmets may reduce the risk of injury. Whether or not to wear a helmet is a personal choice. Make sure to check into all available options, and to make sure that the helmet you select is properly fitted and does not inhibit vision or hearing. Here are some sources of additional safety information:
Lessons: If you're new to skiing or snowboarding, Welch Village highly recommends taking a lesson for the best way to learn safety on the mountain.
Goggles/Eye Protection: Welch Village highly recommends wearing goggles to protect your eyes while skiing or riding.
Electronic Devices: Welch Village discourages the use of electronic devices that utilize headphones/earphones while skiing/riding and loading or unloading lifts.
Hazards: Be advised that Welch Village does not mark all potential obstacles or hazards. When marked, poles, flags, fencing, signage, padding or other forms of marking are used to inform the skier/rider of the location of a potential obstacle or hazard. These markers are no guarantee of your safety. It is part of your responsibility under the Your Responsibility Code to avoid all obstacles and hazards.
Braking and Retention Mechanisms: Braking or retention mechanisms are required on skis; leashes are required on snowboards.
Welch Village Off Trail Policy: Wooded areas between designated trails within the ski area boundary are not patrolled and are not open to skiing or riding. In addition, certain lift lines under chairlifts on our property are not open to skiing or riding. If you fail to obey this policy and enter these areas, it will result in the loss of your skiing/riding privileges at Welch Village. In addition, Welch Village assumes no responsibility for skiers and riders going beyond the open and designated trails at Welch Village. Areas beyond the open and designated trails are not patrolled or maintained. Unmarked obstacles and other natural hazards exist.
Terrain Park: Freestyle Terrain may contain jumps, hits, ramps, banks, fun boxes, jibs, rails, half pipes, and other constructed or natural terrain features. Prior to using freestyle terrain, you are responsible for familiarizing yourself with all elements and landings and obeying all instructions, warnings, and signs. Freestyle skills require maintaining control on the ground and in the air. For additional Terrain Park Safety CLICK HERE
Slow Zones: Certain areas, marked by banners or other markers on our slopes, are designated as SLOW ZONES. Please observe the posted slow zone areas by maintaining a speed no faster than the general flow of traffic. Space and speed are especially important in these areas. Fast and aggressive skiing or riding will not be tolerated and may result in termination of your resort privileges.
Snowcats and Snowmobiles: CAUTION - Snowcats, snowmobiles and snowmaking may be encountered at any time.
First Aid Services: Welch Village provides a team of trained Ski Patrollers to provide First aid, assess mountain safety, post warnings, and close trails. Ski Patrollers are on duty when the chairlifts are operating for the public. To summon a Ski Patroller, let any employee know or call the Patrol room at 651-258-2819. The Ski Patrol is located in the grey building to the east of the Main Chalet (with the Ski Patrol logo on it). Emergency radios are available with all lift operators. All parties involved in a collision must exchange information and contact the Ski Patrol.
Uphill Access: No Uphill access is allowed at any time at Welch Village.
Drone Policy: Out of safety concerns for guests, employees, and resort property, as well as concerns for individual privacy, Welch Village Ski Area, Inc., prohibits the operation or use of unmanned aerial systems, or drones, by the general public - including recreational users and hobbyists - without the prior written authorization from Welch Village Ski area, Inc. This prohibition includes drones used for filming or videotaping, as well as any drone use by media or journalists operating above or within Welch Village Ski Area boundaries. This prohibition on drone operations or use extends to any drones launched or operated from Welch Village Ski Area, Inc. property, as well as drones launched from private property outside of Welch Village Ski Area, Inc. boundaries. Please contact a Welch Village Ski Area, Inc. officer if you have any questions or if you wish to seek prior authorization to operate any aerial drones. Any authorized operation of aerial drones may be governed by Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) rules and regulations, local law enforcement, as well as those policies separately established by Welch Village Ski Area, Inc., which may include certification, training, insurance coverage, indemnification requirements, and waivers or releases of liability. Any violation of this policy may involve suspension of your skiing or snowboarding privileges, or the revocation of your season pass, as well as confiscation of any drone equipment, and may subject violators to any damages, including, but not limited to, damages for violations of privacy and/or physical or personal injuries or property damage, as well as regulatory fines and legal fees.
Lift Safety:
- Be familiar with the type of lift you are riding, and ask for help if you need it.
- Before loading, remove backpacks and secure loose items. Remove pole straps from wrists.
- Look over your shoulder to watch the chair approach.
- Sit all the way back in the chair, with your back to the seat rest.
- If the lift has a restraint bar, wait until everyone is seated, and slowly reach up and lower the bar. Do not attempt to lower the bar if you cannot reach it. Adults should always help kids lower the bar.
- Be aware of your surroundings while riding the lift. If you drop something, let it fall! You can always ask Ski Patrol for help retrieving the lost item.
- As you approach the top terminal, prepare to raise the bar. Look for signs advising you to do so to help with your timing.
NSAA Load & Unload with Care Video - CLICK HERE
Additional Lift Safety Information - CLICK HERE
Please note that non skiing or non snowboarding customers are not allowed to ride our chairlifts.
Speed & Collision Safety:
Welch Village is concerned about the safety of its skiers/riders. Ski Patrol and employees may issue warnings or remove privileges without refund for those who are acting recklessly or are out of control.
Three actions every skier and rider can take to help keep themselves and those around safer on the slopes:
- Be Ready to slow down or avoid objects or other people at any time.
- Stay Alert to what's going on around you, especially other skiers and riders.
- Plan Ahead and ease up at blind spots, check uphill when merging onto trails, and give other skiers plenty of room when passing. Look out for spots on the run where traffic merges or you can't see what's coming next.
For more information on Collision Safety, CLICK HERE
Trail Markings:
Skiers and riders should be advised that a green circle, blue square, or black diamond trail at Welch Village is not necessarily the same as a green circle, blue square or black diamond trail at other resorts. The system is a relative rating of trails at each resort and does not compare trail difficulty between resorts.
- Green Circle: Easiest
- Blue Square: More Difficult
- Black Diamond: More Difficult
- Double Black Diamond: Experts Only
- Orange Oval: Freestyle Terrain
Infant Carriers:
Out of safety concerns for our guests, employees, and resort property, Welch Village does not allow skiers or snowboarders to carry an infant or toddler in backpacks, chest packs, baby Bjorn's or other similar carrying devices on their bodies.
Allowed Snow Sliding Devices:
Out of safety concerns for our guests, Welch Village allows only the following sliding devices at our resort:
- Skis
- Snowboards
- Telemark Skis: Must have retention device (leash), no uphill traffic allowed
- Monoskis - Must have retention device (leash)
- Snowblades: Must have retention device (leash)
- Adaptive Equipment - Must have metal edge, retention device (leash), and mechanism to secure equipment to chairlift. Must be able to safely load and unload lifts.
Below are a few examples of sliding devices that are NOT ALLOWED at our resort:
- Snowbikes
- Snow Scooters or Trikes
- Integrated Ski Boots (Sled Dogs)
- Plastic Snowboards or Snowskates/Snowdecks
- Sleds - Including but not limited to traditional sleds, tubes, discs, body sleds, and toboggans
- Infant Carriers - Infant carriers of any type are prohibited while skiing or riding.
This list is subject to change at any time at the discretion of Welch Village.
Welch Village Reckless Skier Policy
Reckless skiing or conduct is any of the following:
- Violating the Your Responsibility Code.
- Violating federal, state or local law.
- Skiing/riding in a manner that is dangerous or irresponsible.
- Skiing at a high rate of speed without regards for personal safety or the safety of others.
- Skiing at a high rate of speed in beginner areas or Slow Zones.
- Skiing at a high rate of speed near lift lines or in constricted areas.
- Causing a collision or near-miss.
- Failure to yield to uphill skiers when entering a trail from the side.
- Failure to exercise due caution when overtaking another skier.
- Failure to assure that the back side of a terrain park feature is clear before use.
- Skiing while ability is impaired by alcohol or any substance, licit or illicit.
- Skiing on closed trails.
- Skiing out of bounds.
- Performing an invert (feet higher than head) is not recommended.
- Building jumps.
- Swinging or bouncing chairlifts.
- Any horseplay on chairlifts.
- Throwing objects from chairlifts.
- Buckling a snowboard while riding a chairlift.
- Blocking an off-ramp for any of the chairlifts.
- Skiing or riding out of the established rack of a rope tow or bouncing the tow rope.
- Unnecessarily blocking or impeding the normal flow of other skiers.
- Tampering with, moving, destroying, defacing, or theft of any Welch Village property.
- Failure to adhere to postage signage.
- Any criminal activity, including theft of services by not having a valid lift ticket.
The Welch Village Mountain Ski Patrol and Welch Village staff have authority to confiscate the lift pass of any reckless skier. A confiscation decision rests on the sole judgment of such authorized person. Options include, but are not limited to, suspension or revocation of Welch Village privileges for any period of time, from minutes to days to entire seasons. Disposition is at the absolute and sole discretion of Welch Village management, and is not appealable in any court or under any legal theory. A reckless skier can be approached at any time, and at any location within Welch Village's area of operation, which includes the parking lots. For criminal activity, Welch Village reserves the right to prosecute. Depending upon the circumstances, Welch Village Ski Patrol or Welch Village staff may issue a verbal warning of reckless conduct instead of confiscating the lift pass.
On-Mountain use of Service Animals:
Welch Village’s policy states that no animals shall be allowed on ski terrain (snow) or ski lifts during the winter or summer season. The use of service animals on ski lifts and ski terrain (snow) conflicts with Welch Village’s safety requirements necessary for the reasonably safe operation of our on-slope activities. These safety concerns include the use of service animals on the slopes that expose the user and other skiers/snowboarders to a safety hazard. These safety concerns are compounded by our facility’s high volume of trail use. These safety requirements are based on actual risks and are not intended to be discriminatory in any way.
Additional Resort Policies:
Unauthorized Ski & Snowboard Lesson Policy: Welch Village instructors are the only individuals who are authorized to teach skiing and snowboarding lessons on Welch Village property. Those who are accepting payment for skiing and/or snowboarding lessons are in violation of this policy unless they have been granted permission by Welch Village management/ownership. Those who do not comply with this policy could be asked to leave the property and/or forfeit the use of their lift ticket or season pass privilege.
Walking, Running, Hiking on Welch Village Property: Walking, running, and hiking are not permitted on Welch Village property without the permission of Welch Village management/ownership. Welch Village property is private property and management/ownership reserves the right to restrict access to any individual at any time.
Crock Pots & Foot Tables: Crock Pots and food tables for groups and teams are NOT ALLOWED in our main chalets.
Carry-On Alcohol: No carry-on alcoholic beverages are permitted anywhere on Welch Village property per MN Statute 340A.512.Theft of Services: Skiers/riders without a lift ticket will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Stolen Property: Welch Village is not responsible for lost or stolen property. We recommend that all skiers/riders use personal locks for protection of their equipment. In addition, we recommend using our paid locker area to store valuables during your visit.
Photography: With purchase of services, we reserve the right to photograph guests and events for the use in advertising or publicity of Welch Village, without personal consent.
Dogs: We do not allow dogs in any of our buildings, on patio areas/decks, or on our snow. If your dog comes with you to the ski area, we ask that your dog stays in your vehicle. See our accessibility policy covering service animals HERE
Parking Lot Policies & Campers: Campers, buses, and trailers are not allowed at anytime in our parking lots. Busses are only allowed with pre-arranged groups like ski clubs, schools, roving ski schools and race teams.